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What is Emailing Spoofing? How to Prevent

“Spoof” emails can have consequence of accessing your business data, financial information and more and simply takes a click or a reply to a thread to enable the attacker to get to this information. Email Spoofing traffic usually travels external domains to your internal environment such as coming from a gmail or hotmail account with an overarching name of an employee to trick the eyes. Spoofs are becoming so sophisticated though they are now becoming an Internal-to-Internal communication issue which starts a chain reaction off.

So, what is a spoof email?
– A spoof email can be a singular or a chain of emails that a business may receive, and a common trend that tends to happen is a manager or owner of a business (someone at high ranking) will send a fellow employee an email asking for information or asking to transfer funds to him/her.

  • It takes one user to fall for a Spoof email from outside the organisation, once this happens the chain reaction then commences internally.
  • Usually a CEO, Director, Vice President or President would receive such emails requesting information or funding/ bank transfers to be completed.
  • The target of a spoofer is financial or disruptive gain to a business or entity.
  • Overall Torment of Users, Easy to bypass internal spam filtering and protection
Spoof Email Diagram

What Should I do, if I been spoofed?

If you feel you been spoofed or exposed by any form of vulnerability, the first steps are to report it to your IT Service Provider or Technical Specialist. Below are recommend action steps to take.

  • Report to your IT Service provider, & Get IT Support
  • Change your Passwords for Email Services
  • Arrange A Network Scan & Computer Scan to identify spyware/malware.
  • Notify Colleagues of the Breach do not email users to notify.
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