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Compliance Assurance

NIST Cybersecurity Framework


Prioritize systems and processes detecting attacks. Our blend of threat discovery, AI hunting, and analyst investigations provides actionable insights and real-time threat detection.


Implement safeguards for critical infrastructure and services. NIST outlines key sub-categories: access control, awareness, data security, and protective tech. Our monitoring and management solutions enhance security controls, limit access, and offer full lifecycle management for security devices.


Prioritize systems and processes detecting attacks. Our blend of threat discovery, AI hunting, and analyst investigations provides actionable insights and real-time threat detection.


Minimize the impact of incidents with timely response actions. ProSOC MDR with Active Defense, our Response-as-Service solution, swiftly contains threats, orchestrates recovery processes, and mitigates risk.


Restore impaired capabilities or services. We assist in incident recovery, offer guidance on process enhancements, and collaborate with your incident responders to analyze log data and monitor compensating controls.

Continuous Monitoring and Rapid Response

SpaceSOC® MDR ensures 24/7 continuous monitoring of the healthcare environment, promptly detecting and responding to security threats, meeting compliance requirements for timely incident identification and resolution.

Discover SOC-as-a-Service

Security Monitoring and Rapid Response

Early detection and response to incidents is a PCI-DSS core requirement. A powerful combination of advanced SIEM technology and a team of global security experts monitor your networks 24/7, searching for potential cyber threats, logging activity and enabling swift responses to mitigate risk so your team can sleep well at night.

Discover Active Defence

If you wish to make an apple

pie from scratch, you must first

invent the universe.

Security Audit

Performing regular Security Audits on your environment is a crucial and important action of technology and business requirements to help assess your strengths and weaknesses.

Free Security Audit

Incident Response

Responding to a Incident of any Cyber or Technologies instance, is paramount to precision and time, leaving it to late can leave disastrous outcomes.

Free Incident Response


Communication, and Security Practices ensure you have the highest successful rates of surviving a cyber attack or threat. Get your hands on our Free Comms Kit to get started.

Free Comms Kit
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